We started our Prayer Team in 2015 with five of us meeting together on a monthly basis and then we added one more person to our monthly group of attendees a little later. This year we added one more member to our monthly team meeting. We meet on the first Thursday of each month starting in August before school begins, and continuing throughout the school year. Our members are faithful and try to make it to every meeting. Everyone participates and all are devoted to praying for the needs of our school and each other. An “attribute” of God is prepared for them monthly, so we can see who the Lord is together.
I could not have asked for a better and more dedicated group of people. We are changing, growing, and lifting our school up together as a group. There is power in prayer…especially when you serve in a group that is so devoted and committed. I am grateful to be a part of this group and I thank the Lord that He has given us a wonderful group of people who are willing to pray and believe for Lake Country Christian School with such fervor and faith.
We encourage others to join with us!
Donna Kirkendoll
On Behalf of the LCCS Prayer Team
Monthly meetings are listed in the school calendar if you are interested in joining this dedicated prayer team.