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This message is for Lake Country Christian School families. It is obviously prudent to devise and communicate a plan should we need to respond to a crisis situation precipitated by the threats of terrorism of which you are surely aware.

  • Each family should have a family communication plan that includes an out-of-state mutual contact and mutually agreed upon meeting place.
  • You should know that it has been determined that the LCCS buildings cannot be sealed from air-born chemicals or contaminates.
  • Follow the directions given by FEMA and should their advice allow you to come to pick up your child (children), that is preferable.
  • If there is a significant crisis anywhere else in the nation, please come and get your children from school.
  • For such a dismissal, we will use a rainy day pick-up procedure: from the chapel for elementary children and from the gym for middle and high school students.
  • Please have an alternate source of pick-up for your child (children) should you not be able to get to LCCS within one hour.
  • We will have emergency water and food supplies sufficient for 24 hours.
  • If your child drives himself to school, please call to indicate whether you want him/her held for your pick-up or if you prefer they drive home.
  • If your child drives to school with other students (carpool) and you would prefer they be held for dismissal, please call to indicate that preference.
  • Unless you send a note or call to indicate a change, all adult driven carpools will be dismissed to carpool drivers as usual.
  • This plan is in place that we might best serve you and is not intended to alarm.
  • God’s peace will cover our school day regardless of the circumstances. Thank you for trusting us with your precious children.