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North Texas Giving Day 2024
What we said: We will continue to complete campus enhancement projects to meet the needs of our growing campus while moving toward our long-term campus plans. 

What we did: We can’t wait to see what happens on #NTxGivingDay 2024!

Gala 2024
What we said: We couldn’t wait to see what Gala 2024 held in store as we continued to raise funds to help beyond regular operational expenses covered by tuition to allow us to operate our programs WITH EXCELLENCE!

What we did: To date our athletic department has received several items in their long-awaited wish list of new equipment that will benefit all student-athletes. From squat wedges to new bikes, the equipment will help condition all athletes working with our strength and conditioning coach to improve their endurance and performance on the field and court! Our fine arts program has ordered several new items to help them achieve next-level quality in their productions. Additionally, we have worked to expand classroom and office space to accommodate our ever-growing campus.

End-of-Year Giving 2023
What we said: We continued to raise general funds that would allow us to operate with excellence and meet campus improvement needs beyond regular operating expenses.

What we did: We added three long-needed restrooms for visitors and staff near our front office area. All of the work was completed over the break, and our teachers and guests were thrilled to return with the convenience of having multiple restrooms available!

LCCS in Action 2023
What we said: We raised funds for Spiritual Life, Playscape, and Campus Security

What we did:  Thanks to your generosity, we added multiple items in a turf-covered section for an intermediate school playscape/recess area near the east endzone of the stadium, we purchased additional cameras and equipment to improve security around the entire campus, and helped fund the eighth-grade trip to the East Coast.

North Texas Giving Day 2023
What we said: We shared various needs across our fine arts and athletics departments that would enhance the quality of the programs.

What we did: We were able to meet many of the departmental needs, the biggest items included re-designing our girls’ locker rooms and adding new lighting in the Black Box theater! Basketball and softball athletes have already enjoyed the updates in the locker rooms, and the new fine arts lighting was used in our recent sixth-grade musical production.

Gala 2023
What we said: Courtyard improvements for the current playground space between the academic buildings were desperately needed.

What we did: $361,000 was raised through Gala 2023! The funds allowed major improvements to the courtyard area. The multiple recreation spaces and amazing playground renovations were completed before the 2023-’24 school year! Among the changes were expanded shaded areas, a turf surface on the playground, designated areas marked for soccer and four-square, new structures for GaGa ball and nine-square, and decking in the alley! This project benefits Eagles of all ages. In addition, the Paddle Raise designated for faculty and staff bonuses was met with generosity by Gala-goers and our employees were thrilled to receive the gift.

End-of-Year Giving 2022
What we said: We told you all End-of-Year gifts were earmarked for missions.

What we did: Funded 46 students on a mission trip to El Salvador to serve with King’s Castle Ministries, which trains for future missions into Central and South America. We also funded a mission team outreach retreat for middle school students and a monetary donation to King’s Castle Ministries.

LCCS in Action 2022
What we said: We set a $150,000 goal with two projects in mind: courtyard improvements between our academic buildings and breaking ground on the first phase of an Eagle Spirit Facility. We were thrilled when a foundation pledged to complete the other phases of the spirit facility simultaneously if we met our goal.

What we did:  Thanks to your generosity, we met our fundraising goal to begin construction on the new spirit facility that will house our cheer gym, concessions stand, restrooms, and spirit store at Eagle Stadium. A foundation committed to donating the remaining funds to complete the entire spirit facility in one phase! It will be named the Tiger Gage Rohus Eagle Spirit Facility, known as the TGR, in memory of Tiger Rohus, LCCS Class of 2011. We broke ground in the spring of 2023. Early efforts, unfortunately, resulted in construction delays and a change in vendors restarted the project. Construction is in progress on this amazing facility set to open in the fall of 2024! Courtyard improvements are still in the planning stages, and with our additional donations this year, we plan to start that work at the end of the school year.

North Texas Giving Day 2022
What we said: We asked you to “Roll with Us” as we set a goal to replace our yellow buses in need of retirement.

What we did: We purchased our charter bus and an additional two regular buses, all of which are kept in use with our very busy activity schedule!

Gala 2022
What we said: At the gala, Dr. Jordan unveiled this image along with the news that the school had an additional 70 acres under contract. The purchase would secure our school’s future in the area, with the ability to expand our campus across the street from the Byers Center.

What we did: We closed on the purchase of 70 acres across Lake Country Drive in July 2022! You’ll see our existing campus outlined in blue and the new land acquisition in red. As our student body continues to grow, this purchase will offer for campus expansion.