The Eagle Family
Within Lake Country Christian School lives a vibrant community of prayer and faith, supported by the administration, students, parents, faculty, alumni, and board members. Our philosophy of family involvement and parent partnership ensures a stable, nurturing environment for our students. We offer a wide variety of activities and events to cultivate community at LCCS:
- Community-centric outreach and mission programs
- Elementary multi-grade field trips and multi-class reading sessions
- Intermediate and Middle School programs ensure our 5/6 and 7/8 grades can flourish independently
- High school House System
- Weekly Chapels for all students open to school parents and prospective families
- LCCS in Action, Veterans Day/Grandparents Day, Christmas, and the Senior All-school Chapels bring the entire student body together for worship and encouragement
- Athletic games, meets, and tournaments with a small-town feel
- Opportunities for athletes to mentor elementary school students through Junior Eagles and Junior Eagle Cheer programs and events
- All-school pep rallies
- LCCS performing arts productions in all grade levels
- Art shows for all grade levels
- Winter and Spring band and choir concerts
- Academic events that include spelling bees, speech meets, and math olympics
- Parent volunteer opportunities
Whether you are new to our school, considering our school for your children, or are a long-time school parent, we invite you to attend our events and be a part of our LCCS family. Schedule a visit and see what makes us a top private Christian school in the Fort Worth area and the school parents choose to partner with for their child’s education.