2025 State of the School meetings:
Tuesday, January 21, 7:00 pm
Thursday, January 22, 8:30 am
Doors open 30 minutes before the sessions for fellowship and refreshments.
*One parent/guardian in each family is required to attend an LCCS State of the School meeting.
Continuous Enrollment:
Because of our outstanding re-enrollment rates, continuous enrollment is designed to save you time each year! All students, PK-12th grade, will stay enrolled through graduation unless you notify us during the specific opt-out period each year.
Enrollment Info for 2025-’26:
- January 20: Application Opens
- January 21 & 22: Mandatory State of the School meetings for current LCCS families
- February 5: Continuous enrollment opt-out date
- February 6: Continuous enrollment activates for ’25-’26; annual enrollment fee will be drafted automatically via FACTS
- February 7: Open Enrollment begins!
The annual enrollment fees for the 2025-’26 school year will be drafted automatically via FACTS on February 6, 2025. You must notify the admissions office of your intent to withdraw by February 5 to opt out of continuous enrollment.